Sunday, January 31, 2010

The internet is the new social network of are time. People can access the internet from almost anywhere they are. To have the internet crash i think a lot of mayhem would occur. People live only through the internet and do everyday things that one needs to communicate with others. Web chats can make it so that a person never needs to meet a person in public since they can just do it over the internet

Artist use the internet by putting there work out for people to see and that way if these people like what they see they can try to buy the piece of art of hire the person for a job. There are so many ways to use the internet it is almost endless.

john stutely
easy to get around the site and he has been in the business for around 18 years. Has a lot that he can work with. with all the work he has done he also has client testimonials on his work he has done for them.

dave edgerly

very animated work that he has put up. He a freelancer and he works in lots of mediums. He does not say how well he is doing but his work is good and navigating through the website is simple.

alex demeshkin- co founder president

This site is very organized and the design and lay out are very good and there portfolio on web sites and design are good. They are a web designing company that can help you site if they didn't even start is and that have a good sense of what they can do and confidence in what they do.

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