Alice in Wonderland is an mind blowing movie that seems like it should be made for young adults but in the end really seemed like maybe it was made for kids and their parents. The movie starts off in the real world of Alice growing up. Showing her as a child having nightmares of strange creatures. Then they show Alice a little older taking place in a family get together where they briefly show a few characters of the real world. Later in the movie when Alice entered her dream world everything was 90 percent digitally computerized. The only few elements that were real time non computerized were the actors. Which there were probably 5 real life actors once you get into Alice’s dream world.
The thing about this movie was that is was too predictable and there was nothing really clever about it. If the director did a re-make of the movie you would think he had some rights to change up the story just a bit but not too much to throw anyone off. I wanted the movie to make my brain think and ponder, give some explanation on Alice’s “dreams” and how she really got into a fantasy world. Did she bump her head, go crazy, take some mushrooms, or was she really in another dimension that was real? And the movie could have gone deeper into the other characters a bit more rather then given the audience the assumption of who they are. Of course most people know about the story Alice in Wonderland and have seen different variations in books and cartoons. But, this was a chance to make it totally different, something more dark, more appealing to the mature crowd. But, it was like on the edge of this concept but not enough.
I think perhaps watching Avatar and then watching this, my eyes are already spoiled rotten to the latest and greatest special effects. I wish maybe they could have blended the lighting better in this movie to not make it seem so green screened. Or maybe a change in the lighting and color scheme. The movie was too short and just a pack full of adventure and typical predictable story line with nothing new to add into the story. Leaving us with a awkward ending of Alice having an epiphany after her hallucination. There is no real moral to the story as most fairy tales have them, except stay away from drugs kids.
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