The internet mostly means the fundamental information source. While working on projects the internet is the primary source for information,
research, and inspiration. Secondly as a communication resource through email and as a way to view others art work.
2) How do you think artists use the internet?
In a vast variety of ways. Through complete art projects such as when communication through the internet to create art in various areas. Also to use it as a gallery to display and discuss their work. Artists can use the web to research and fin
d inspiration and jobs.
Artist #1
Natalie Bookchin

I like her project Mass Ornament (2009), an installation using the web
videos people have posted of themselves dancing. She synchronized the movements of these individuals to make a calibrated dance. She used the internet as a resource to gather video and create her own art work.
Artist #2
Christopher Baker

Much like Bookchin, Baker uses online videos to create his artwork in "Hello World! or: How I learned to Stop Listening and Love the Noise". This installment projects thousands of videos which display people discussing their ideas on the internet and trying to communicate or get their voice heard through the web.
Artist #3
Lauren Olivieri

Lauren uses the internet as a device to share her work. She show cases a variety of her art work in different mediums through photographs to build a portfolio. Using the site she is able to contact fans and clients to further her success in art. I liked this web page for the simple layout.
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