Sunday, January 31, 2010
ATS 342
What does the internet mean to you?
To me the internet is the most useful resource available today. It makes so many different references easily accessible. That is just looking at it in a design students perspective. Before using the internet so much for research, the internet for me was a main source of communication. Along with being a resource it is a huge social network for everyone. Now it so is easily accessible; from computers, to phones, to ipods. The internet is all around us and, when used properly, is making this world a more efficient and productive place.
How do you think artists use the internet?
The internet is avery important resource for artists today. Not only as a means of research, but to promote their work and stay informed of other artists/competition. It also is an efficient way to stay in touch with clients and do things in a timely manner. When using the internet to promote work, not only does an artists get exposure but they also get feedback from people all over the world with just a few clicks of a button. Again, when used properly, the internet is an amazing tool that has revolutionized the whole art industry.
This site is a virtual studio if the new media artist Jaxun. Jaxun has a lot of unconventional pieces with a psychedelic feel to them, Tge featured exhibits are part of the artistic cyber collective known as Art on the Net. It is 'digital fine art' that has been online since October 1994. Although the work in interesting, it doesn't come across as "fine art" to me. The website was also a bit misleading as to what kind of work would be presented. However, I liked this site because it was eay to use and I was able to easily look at all the artists work.

Linda Lanese
This site is the studio of Linda Lanese. She works in acrylic paints and medium gels, computer graphic design, sculpture, photography and image manipulation. The areas of her studio that interested me the most were the photography and the graphic arts sections. They have a very contemporary style to them and seem like something that I would make. The website is easy to use and very clearly displays her work. The only critisism that I have about this site is that a new window opens up every time you click on a link and there is not always a button to go back to the main menu. Other than that, it is a suiteable online studio to promote her work.

Pancho Tolchinsky
This is an amazing site. It is definitely my favorite one that I found. I found it through It is a very well developed, professional site that is easy to use. Pancho is a professional photographer. Pancho collects photos from all over the world. He is a traveler and tries to capture new moments from each place that he goes. On his site, when you are searching through his photos, everything is labeled based on the collection. It is very organized and enjoyable to use.
To me the internet is the most useful resource available today. It makes so many different references easily accessible. That is just looking at it in a design students perspective. Before using the internet so much for research, the internet for me was a main source of communication. Along with being a resource it is a huge social network for everyone. Now it so is easily accessible; from computers, to phones, to ipods. The internet is all around us and, when used properly, is making this world a more efficient and productive place.
How do you think artists use the internet?
The internet is avery important resource for artists today. Not only as a means of research, but to promote their work and stay informed of other artists/competition. It also is an efficient way to stay in touch with clients and do things in a timely manner. When using the internet to promote work, not only does an artists get exposure but they also get feedback from people all over the world with just a few clicks of a button. Again, when used properly, the internet is an amazing tool that has revolutionized the whole art industry.
This site is a virtual studio if the new media artist Jaxun. Jaxun has a lot of unconventional pieces with a psychedelic feel to them, Tge featured exhibits are part of the artistic cyber collective known as Art on the Net. It is 'digital fine art' that has been online since October 1994. Although the work in interesting, it doesn't come across as "fine art" to me. The website was also a bit misleading as to what kind of work would be presented. However, I liked this site because it was eay to use and I was able to easily look at all the artists work.

Linda Lanese
This site is the studio of Linda Lanese. She works in acrylic paints and medium gels, computer graphic design, sculpture, photography and image manipulation. The areas of her studio that interested me the most were the photography and the graphic arts sections. They have a very contemporary style to them and seem like something that I would make. The website is easy to use and very clearly displays her work. The only critisism that I have about this site is that a new window opens up every time you click on a link and there is not always a button to go back to the main menu. Other than that, it is a suiteable online studio to promote her work.

Pancho Tolchinsky
This is an amazing site. It is definitely my favorite one that I found. I found it through It is a very well developed, professional site that is easy to use. Pancho is a professional photographer. Pancho collects photos from all over the world. He is a traveler and tries to capture new moments from each place that he goes. On his site, when you are searching through his photos, everything is labeled based on the collection. It is very organized and enjoyable to use.

The internet is the new social network of are time. People can access the internet from almost anywhere they are. To have the internet crash i think a lot of mayhem would occur. People live only through the internet and do everyday things that one needs to communicate with others. Web chats can make it so that a person never needs to meet a person in public since they can just do it over the internet
Artist use the internet by putting there work out for people to see and that way if these people like what they see they can try to buy the piece of art of hire the person for a job. There are so many ways to use the internet it is almost endless.
Artist use the internet by putting there work out for people to see and that way if these people like what they see they can try to buy the piece of art of hire the person for a job. There are so many ways to use the internet it is almost endless.
john stutely
easy to get around the site and he has been in the business for around 18 years. Has a lot that he can work with. with all the work he has done he also has client testimonials on his work he has done for them.
dave edgerly
very animated work that he has put up. He a freelancer and he works in lots of mediums. He does not say how well he is doing but his work is good and navigating through the website is simple.
alex demeshkin- co founder president
This site is very organized and the design and lay out are very good and there portfolio on web sites and design are good. They are a web designing company that can help you site if they didn't even start is and that have a good sense of what they can do and confidence in what they do.
Artists on the Interent
1) What does the internet mean to you?
The internet is an amazing tool, filled with information and anything you can imagine. It means to me as a guide to get or send information. Whether it be getting music or talking to someone half way around the world, or sending files to business partners in a instant.
2)How do you think Artists used the internet?
Artists use the internet in many different ways. Through finding references, getting their name or work out. There are so many different ways an artists can use the internet t help themselves. The internet is a great tool for artists because it makes things easier and quicker. Rather than driving eight hours to a major city and showing a piece that you just completed you can just send the file and with in seconds they will have it.
There is a theme to this site. The background and top header never change. Also the boxes where text are placed and graphics are, are either similar or the same. The work is futuristic and simple even though it looks really complex.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Bare Opinion. No Sugarcoating.
What does the internet mean to you?
To me, the internet is a resource for information, a means of communication, and also a means of entertainment. Practically anything you can think of, or anything you have questions about, anything you want to buy, all exist in some form or are answered by someone somewhere. However; the internet has also created problems for humanity. I feel it is slowly consuming people and creating a parallel and antisocial code of public behavior. Despite all the "connectivity" and "networking" we do, we are actually regressing into a state of awkward isolation. More and more, people are hiding behind their cell phones and facebook accounts, and no longer interacting naturally in the physical world. The widespread availability of corrupting material builds - in younger people - a foundation of false standards and ideals. (Think pornography) Informal internet speech and anonymity over virtual mediums provide for derogatory, deconstructive and reckless verbal interaction (Think YouTube). If one were to judge the state of our world by online comments alone, we would appear to be one hell of a pathetic, ignorant and violent race. Perhaps doomed. And there is also the issue of crime. Our economy - almost everything in our lives - is based primarily now upon virtual databases and internet transactions; when these systems are compromised by criminals, or when these systems fail or collapse, chaos ensues. The internet is the greatest and the worst tool of our time.
How do you think artists use the internet?
(With a computer?) I believe artists use the internet as a means to promote themselves, both for financial purposes and for recognition. How else would one exhibit his work everywhere in the world simultaneously, and practically for free?
Kinuko Y. Craft
Tim Hildebrandt
Thomas Cole - The Voyage of Life
There is something eerie about the High Renaissance styles of [oil] painting. This is something I've began trying to imitate in my own painting. I like how Kinuko Y. Craft mixes motifs of fantasy with the old styles of painting.
As far as Hildebrandt, I don't know what else to say other than: these are the worlds I wish I could live in. Besides incredible use of light and feelings of immersion, there are often overtones of power or sexual attraction.

I suppose this doesn't exactly apply, being that this artist painted these more than a hundred years before the internet was invented, but I had to include Thomas Cole because of his series called The Voyage of Life. I stumbled upon the original paintings in a museum in Utica. I was walking home, away from one of the worst days of my life, and I figured I had nothing to lose by checking out the museum (at least I'd get out of the cold). I believe this series of 4 6-footers was what inspired me to pursue oil painting in the first place. This is absolute mastery... as far as symbolism and composition; how could you ask for more?
Childhood: Exiting the womb, guided by an angel into the world - your mother. A dawn - the beginning. Beauty - innocence. A vast expanse out of sight - infinite possibility. Joy and expectation.
Youth: Setting off on your own - the world is yours. Dreams of success; ideas of an afterlife. Excitement.
Manhood: Tumult. Fear. Uncertainty. A setting sun - loss of hope. More whispers of extraworldly forces. Weathered.
Old Age: The inevitable end. Timeless. A new hope of immortal life. The cycle is complete.
To me, the internet is a resource for information, a means of communication, and also a means of entertainment. Practically anything you can think of, or anything you have questions about, anything you want to buy, all exist in some form or are answered by someone somewhere. However; the internet has also created problems for humanity. I feel it is slowly consuming people and creating a parallel and antisocial code of public behavior. Despite all the "connectivity" and "networking" we do, we are actually regressing into a state of awkward isolation. More and more, people are hiding behind their cell phones and facebook accounts, and no longer interacting naturally in the physical world. The widespread availability of corrupting material builds - in younger people - a foundation of false standards and ideals. (Think pornography) Informal internet speech and anonymity over virtual mediums provide for derogatory, deconstructive and reckless verbal interaction (Think YouTube). If one were to judge the state of our world by online comments alone, we would appear to be one hell of a pathetic, ignorant and violent race. Perhaps doomed. And there is also the issue of crime. Our economy - almost everything in our lives - is based primarily now upon virtual databases and internet transactions; when these systems are compromised by criminals, or when these systems fail or collapse, chaos ensues. The internet is the greatest and the worst tool of our time.
How do you think artists use the internet?
(With a computer?) I believe artists use the internet as a means to promote themselves, both for financial purposes and for recognition. How else would one exhibit his work everywhere in the world simultaneously, and practically for free?
Kinuko Y. Craft
Tim Hildebrandt
Thomas Cole - The Voyage of Life
There is something eerie about the High Renaissance styles of [oil] painting. This is something I've began trying to imitate in my own painting. I like how Kinuko Y. Craft mixes motifs of fantasy with the old styles of painting.
As far as Hildebrandt, I don't know what else to say other than: these are the worlds I wish I could live in. Besides incredible use of light and feelings of immersion, there are often overtones of power or sexual attraction.
I suppose this doesn't exactly apply, being that this artist painted these more than a hundred years before the internet was invented, but I had to include Thomas Cole because of his series called The Voyage of Life. I stumbled upon the original paintings in a museum in Utica. I was walking home, away from one of the worst days of my life, and I figured I had nothing to lose by checking out the museum (at least I'd get out of the cold). I believe this series of 4 6-footers was what inspired me to pursue oil painting in the first place. This is absolute mastery... as far as symbolism and composition; how could you ask for more?
Childhood: Exiting the womb, guided by an angel into the world - your mother. A dawn - the beginning. Beauty - innocence. A vast expanse out of sight - infinite possibility. Joy and expectation.
Youth: Setting off on your own - the world is yours. Dreams of success; ideas of an afterlife. Excitement.
Manhood: Tumult. Fear. Uncertainty. A setting sun - loss of hope. More whispers of extraworldly forces. Weathered.
Old Age: The inevitable end. Timeless. A new hope of immortal life. The cycle is complete.
1. The Internet has become a valuable resource. The information contained in a thousand libraries and the knowledge of millions of people are all placed right at your finger tips. Instead of flipping through volumes of encyclopedias, all one needs to do is type in a few keywords on Google and instantly all that information is right in front of you.
2. I think artists use the internet as a means to get their works out to as many people as possible. The technology allows them to post what they have done and allows people all over the world to see it. This broadens their viewership to an almost limitless numbers of internet users. If it's being used as a means to spread a message or just a way to get potential clients the internet is an integral part of being an artist today.
2. I think artists use the internet as a means to get their works out to as many people as possible. The technology allows them to post what they have done and allows people all over the world to see it. This broadens their viewership to an almost limitless numbers of internet users. If it's being used as a means to spread a message or just a way to get potential clients the internet is an integral part of being an artist today.
Digital Artist and the Internet
The Internet means a lot to mean and it’s a huge part of my life. When I first entered the world of the Internet my first experiences was simple AOL and Yahoo chat. About a decade later the Internet is now one of the foundations that keeps my life interesting. Because of the Internet I have learned to do marketing and make legit money with online businesses and being an affiliate with a handful of companies. The Internet has given me information, which supplemented in teaching myself many new trades that made my life easier. Without the Internet my life would be 100 percent completely different but still interesting nonetheless.
In my opinion I see artists using the Internet as a network to get their message spread across larger areas. Artist can use the Internet to keep contact with partners, customers, and other artists while making new contacts along the way. The Internet can provide much more exposure and get an artist plenty of views when an artist puts up their exhibition online. So an Artist can use the Internet to gain exposure, get a message across, or even use the Internet as an art form in itself.
Marie Guillaumet
Marie Guillaumet is a female artist from France and specializes in digital art such as graphic design, web based art, albums covers, and more. She started from scratch and has taught herself art over the years. She got into web design in year 2000 with the launch of La Lune Mauve, which was a personal website and has since evolved into a large French community dedicated to the alternative culture. Her use of artwork involves a lot of fantasy like scenarios with clean and crisp colors and shapes. A lot of her work has cool color scheme and some of her work also reminds me of art nouveau with the use of organic lines and female subjects.

Oliver “Fantasio” Wetter
Oliver “Fantasio” Wetter is an freelance artist that specializes in cover artworks for editorials, book covers, magazines, and concept art. This person’s art is really fantasy surrealism concepts that seem completely created from the imagination. Most of this artist’s work seems to be made with digital media such as photoshop and illustrator. This artist also does Dog portraiture, bookcover illustrations, pin up girls, cd covers and print, childrens book illustrations, and more. The artist style is very involved with fantasy, morbid subjects, biomechanical, with a touch of realism.
Gustavo Sazes
Gustavo Sazes is the creater of a website called Abstrata and a lot of the art found on the website is really surreal and abstract with touch of darkness. His website shows a lot of examples of his work such as CD and DVD covers, Myspace channels for groups and bands, Websites, Youtube Channels, Logo’s and branding, and apparel designs. The artist uses a lot of photo manipulation, digital media, and has good usage of typography in most of the pieces.
In my opinion I see artists using the Internet as a network to get their message spread across larger areas. Artist can use the Internet to keep contact with partners, customers, and other artists while making new contacts along the way. The Internet can provide much more exposure and get an artist plenty of views when an artist puts up their exhibition online. So an Artist can use the Internet to gain exposure, get a message across, or even use the Internet as an art form in itself.
Marie Guillaumet
Marie Guillaumet is a female artist from France and specializes in digital art such as graphic design, web based art, albums covers, and more. She started from scratch and has taught herself art over the years. She got into web design in year 2000 with the launch of La Lune Mauve, which was a personal website and has since evolved into a large French community dedicated to the alternative culture. Her use of artwork involves a lot of fantasy like scenarios with clean and crisp colors and shapes. A lot of her work has cool color scheme and some of her work also reminds me of art nouveau with the use of organic lines and female subjects.

Oliver “Fantasio” Wetter
Oliver “Fantasio” Wetter is an freelance artist that specializes in cover artworks for editorials, book covers, magazines, and concept art. This person’s art is really fantasy surrealism concepts that seem completely created from the imagination. Most of this artist’s work seems to be made with digital media such as photoshop and illustrator. This artist also does Dog portraiture, bookcover illustrations, pin up girls, cd covers and print, childrens book illustrations, and more. The artist style is very involved with fantasy, morbid subjects, biomechanical, with a touch of realism.

Gustavo Sazes
Gustavo Sazes is the creater of a website called Abstrata and a lot of the art found on the website is really surreal and abstract with touch of darkness. His website shows a lot of examples of his work such as CD and DVD covers, Myspace channels for groups and bands, Websites, Youtube Channels, Logo’s and branding, and apparel designs. The artist uses a lot of photo manipulation, digital media, and has good usage of typography in most of the pieces.

Part 1
1. The internet, to me, is one of the most important a resourceful tools that we have. It can be used for research for countless amounts of things, whether it be for a paper, or inspiration, or information on places or things. The internet provides us with an unending amount of information and connection to the world around us. I also think the internet is a very successful way of putting work out there. Whether it be displaying artist work, like we will be doing in the class, or to advertise a company. The internet is a more advanced and more informational version of the phone book, I think. It allows us to stay connected with others, to find information we use everyday, and it allows us to learn.
2. I think artists use the internet in many different ways. An artist can create their own website to display their artwork. An artist can use the internet to research ideas or find inspiration for their projects and work. Websites themselves are displays for the artists who created them. As a growing artist, I use the internet to learn more about the design world and to find inspiration from other artists.
3 Internet Artists
There is an artwork, online, that was done by 3 artists from 3 different locations. These artists created a 24 hour blog performance. they used a wide variety of media and mix it all together. The artists are all Internet Artists, and they are:
Rick Silva
Rick Silva was born in Brazil, but now lives in Calgary. In Satellite Jockey, he uses Google Earth software the way a DJ uses turntables and he takes these manipulated landscape images and puts them onto live multimedia mixes and installations. In Recap, he takes videos and wherever there is graffiti, he blurs that out and writes "Recap" over the graffiti. All this is done electronically.
Nathaniel Wojtalik
Nathaniel Wojtalik is a nomad, in a sense. He doesn't have a permanent home, he prefers to travel constantly. Because of his constant travels, he is able to detach himself from human life and lose himself in the technological world. Most of his work is done using technological art, as well as some work in performance and conceptual art.
Mark Amerika is the other artist that participated in 24 Hour Count, but it is believed that isn't his real name and there is little information about this artist's personal life.
Another online artist that I liked was Tiffany Holmes. She uses art and technology to bring the environmental issues to the viewer's attention. One of her works is an installation piece that promotes walking instead of driving and the art intensifies as more people walk past the exhibit. Another installation piece has many lamps that are interactive, the audience is encouraged to turn lamps off and on. The electric currents are measured and the natural life projected onto the screens are affected by the currents.
Three artists
Noboru Tomizawa
He is a make up artist from Japan, and I really like his web-site. Most of his art works are very colorful and unique. Especially the first one. (Beauty-gold mouth) the big mouth makes me feel the drink is very delicious and special. He did not describe how he made these things, but it is also gives me more mysterious about his art.
Lisa Moren
She is a digital artist. Why I like her art works is because she is not only doing painting, but also she does many types of art, such as drawing, baking, reading, cleaning or hand creaming within unexpected video and sound. Her web-site is very simple, but it is easy to find out where is her drawing, or where is her video.
Gale Franey
She is a digital artist from Canada. Most of her art works are taking photography, and using photoshop or flash to create them more interesting. Most of the face in the image are real, but the back ground looks fantastic. For example the girl wearing dress in the forest.
Noboru Tomizawa
He is a make up artist from Japan, and I really like his web-site. Most of his art works are very colorful and unique. Especially the first one. (Beauty-gold mouth) the big mouth makes me feel the drink is very delicious and special. He did not describe how he made these things, but it is also gives me more mysterious about his art.
Lisa Moren
She is a digital artist. Why I like her art works is because she is not only doing painting, but also she does many types of art, such as drawing, baking, reading, cleaning or hand creaming within unexpected video and sound. Her web-site is very simple, but it is easy to find out where is her drawing, or where is her video.
Gale Franey
She is a digital artist from Canada. Most of her art works are taking photography, and using photoshop or flash to create them more interesting. Most of the face in the image are real, but the back ground looks fantastic. For example the girl wearing dress in the forest.
The Internet
To me, the Internet represents a opportunity to reach people from all over the world. It is a door to the rest of the world. Most people have access the Internet and this enables people from all over the world to reach each other. It virtually joins people separated by physical barriers. I think artists realize this opportunity to broaden their audiences. Most artists have webpages and these webpages provide access to the artist. It gives uses for large-scale marketing and advertising. Websites enable customers to buy from an artist that they may not have physical access to. I think the Internet also provides inspiration from other artists. Communication between artists provides inspiration, as well as simply viewing other works of art. There is also an opportunity to find pieces to put within the artwork. I read about one artist who uses sections from other people's vlogs to put into his own, with permission of course. These sections are mixed together to create a certain narrative element to accompany another element of art. There are so many opportunities for artists on the Internet, it is hard to list them all.
Internet is?
(1)I think internet for me is a very important tool to know everything. For example: fashion, social, political, economic, weather and business. But sometimes, internet has too much information and I do not which is correct and which is wrong, so I need chose by myself. However, it still is a good technology for me. These days, I do not use phone a lot, because I can use internet to contact with people all over the world. I can not imagine without internet in my life.
(2)Internet for Artist is a good way to show their art work. Such as photography, painting, and sculpture. They can use internet to update. Yes, internet is the fastest way to show and tell people that they made a new art works. Also internet is free and reasonable, because the artist do not need pay a lot of money to open a gallery, or need a big space to show their art works.
(2)Internet for Artist is a good way to show their art work. Such as photography, painting, and sculpture. They can use internet to update. Yes, internet is the fastest way to show and tell people that they made a new art works. Also internet is free and reasonable, because the artist do not need pay a lot of money to open a gallery, or need a big space to show their art works.
Project 1 Part 1
Link 1 Mario Nevado
Mario's artwork is very colorful and richly vivid. I really like his semi-realistic and high contrast images. He uses semi dark themes but very tastefully tho.
Link 2 Alex Grey
Alex Grey is very metaphysical/new age spiritual which he uses as a source of inspiration for his artwork. Most of his work is very interesting as it encompasses many unique ideas and displays them in very rich color and illustrations.
Link 3 Jared Tarbell
This site is very stimulating, there is a lot of exhibitions, images, information about the artwork it is almost too busy. Many of the themes seem very scientific/mathematical which I find very interesting. The colors are very vivid which is a huge plus for me. I love vivid colors.
Question 1: For me the internet is like the Wild West. There is so much happening unregulated and otherwise that there is something for everyone and everything. Whether you are looking to raise awareness about something, sell something or talk about something you are able to do so. The internet is still a tool though, and its uses are countless and not fully explored yet. For artists this is a vestige of hope because paying people to get your name out there can be costly and time consuming.
Question 2: Artists use the internet in so many ways such as advertising, research, communication or even as a medium in itself where a User can interact with the artwork.
Mario's artwork is very colorful and richly vivid. I really like his semi-realistic and high contrast images. He uses semi dark themes but very tastefully tho.
Link 2 Alex Grey
Alex Grey is very metaphysical/new age spiritual which he uses as a source of inspiration for his artwork. Most of his work is very interesting as it encompasses many unique ideas and displays them in very rich color and illustrations.
Link 3 Jared Tarbell
This site is very stimulating, there is a lot of exhibitions, images, information about the artwork it is almost too busy. Many of the themes seem very scientific/mathematical which I find very interesting. The colors are very vivid which is a huge plus for me. I love vivid colors.
Question 1: For me the internet is like the Wild West. There is so much happening unregulated and otherwise that there is something for everyone and everything. Whether you are looking to raise awareness about something, sell something or talk about something you are able to do so. The internet is still a tool though, and its uses are countless and not fully explored yet. For artists this is a vestige of hope because paying people to get your name out there can be costly and time consuming.
Question 2: Artists use the internet in so many ways such as advertising, research, communication or even as a medium in itself where a User can interact with the artwork.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Here is a portfolio i found online. I like his clean layout. The artist also does a great job of showing his process from brainstorming to completion for many of his works. It allows the viewer to recognize how much time he puts in for his clients.
Here is a portfolio i found online. I like his clean layout. The artist also does a great job of showing his process from brainstorming to completion for many of his works. It allows the viewer to recognize how much time he puts in for his clients.
Online Portfolio
I found this online portfolio through the CommArts website. Although it is not the most elaborate website ever, it was definitely one that caught my attention. Once entered into the website there are several different images to choose from. Each of these images opened up the page to show the full project that the image represented. Some were videos and others were a compilation of images created. What interested me the most was the animated videos that were made. They were what kept me at the site looking and hoping to see more. I hope to be able to produce something like that of my own someday.
I found this online portfolio through the CommArts website. Although it is not the most elaborate website ever, it was definitely one that caught my attention. Once entered into the website there are several different images to choose from. Each of these images opened up the page to show the full project that the image represented. Some were videos and others were a compilation of images created. What interested me the most was the animated videos that were made. They were what kept me at the site looking and hoping to see more. I hope to be able to produce something like that of my own someday.
Online Portfolio
This is a portfolio that I found through ComArts. I found a lot of the work featured in it had very interesting and unique graphics. I also liked the unique ideas and concepts in some of the works, like the invitations and business cards. They are very "out of the box" ideas, and I really enjoyed looking at them. I think this artist, Betty Avila, will be great inspiration for my future projects.
So i was looking through all these portfolio's and this one didn't so much catch my eye but was very user friendly. it had enough graphics and a very diverse and organized style. But if a person just wanted to look at a portfolio and just wanted to get down to the art work that he or she is putting out this one Then this site does a very good job
So i was looking through all these portfolio's and this one didn't so much catch my eye but was very user friendly. it had enough graphics and a very diverse and organized style. But if a person just wanted to look at a portfolio and just wanted to get down to the art work that he or she is putting out this one Then this site does a very good job
Portfolio Samples
Here are two sites that I found very interesting.
I love the use of colors and dark/abstract imagery. I was also very drawn to the 3D images both of these sites use as I'm pursuing education in the field of animation and 3D design. Theses are both sites which I would model a portfolio after, especially I like the lack of use of frames and windows and instead there is an abundance of embedded graphics. They both seem to have this sleek, elegant look.
I love the use of colors and dark/abstract imagery. I was also very drawn to the 3D images both of these sites use as I'm pursuing education in the field of animation and 3D design. Theses are both sites which I would model a portfolio after, especially I like the lack of use of frames and windows and instead there is an abundance of embedded graphics. They both seem to have this sleek, elegant look.
I really liked the diverse work in this portfolio. There are many different types of designs, but they all seem to be consistent. They are clean, simple, and neat. The color palette are simple and nice. They all have easy set-ups for the public. I like the design on the portfolio and the image used. The whole design, from layout to color choices, is very user-friendly and visually pleasing.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Full Circle Graphics
This is a web page that I truly am a fan of and check frequently for new posts. The layout of this website is basic, nothing to complex. What I am most impressed about is the way he took the simple layout and made it so unique and visually stunning is great! All of his works has a certain aspect to them that relates to one another and yet something new and exciting. This is a very well done web site that looks very simple and neat, but yet so good at the same time.
Venish Design
I like this website because it has been kept simple, it can be navigated easily, it's very aesthetic, and it is (for the most part) contained within one window (no vertical or horizontal scrolling). Practically everything within this site is clean, fluid and self-explanatory. The way all graphics are smoothly antialiased makes for a very professional appearance.
Justin M. Maller
This link is the for freelance illustrator and Art director Justin Maller. I like the way this site is layed out. The opening page is filled with selected art work. Clicking on the image will bring up a larger image. There is not a hidden trick or confusing maze to follow before his portfolio is visible. Across the top of the page is links to navigate the site. I find professionalism in the simplicity of this site.
This link is the for freelance illustrator and Art director Justin Maller. I like the way this site is layed out. The opening page is filled with selected art work. Clicking on the image will bring up a larger image. There is not a hidden trick or confusing maze to follow before his portfolio is visible. Across the top of the page is links to navigate the site. I find professionalism in the simplicity of this site.
Favorite Web Design

Lotie is a French artist that I found last semester. She does art work in print, web, video, and fashion. I found this website very interesting because it is creative and interactive throughout most of the website. While researching other websites I found that it is a difficult task to combine the artist's work as the back drop without it taking away from the material in her portfolio. Her website is easy to move around and find your way throughout. There are some slight confusing aspects trying to navigate from the portfolio back to the home page. I like how the images and her work are cleanly laid out and presented. Much how I wanted my online portfolio to be, Lotie's web page is clean, there is movement, mostly simplistic with a twist on the typical portfolio page.
Art by Ken Wong
I like his web-site because there are four categories in gallery. Such as: Illustration, Sketches, Character design, and old. Each categories has a small box to tells us what kinds of picture will shows up. For me it is very easy to understand. Because I can click it easy when I would like to see some particular image. Also, every picture images are very colorful, and he use the color (gray, and dark gray) on the back ground, so it makes these images more stand out and makes each piece more interesting.
Tanya Merone
This is an online portfolio by Tanya Merone who is a graphic designer from New York. She specializes in user interface design and development. She uses photoshop, dreamweaver, flash coding sites with XHTML, CSS, and some Javascript as well.
This artist has examples on her online portfolio of websites using grids and some websites that are more open and free. She also has print design, logo design, and illustrative designs as well. Tanya Merone is a modern well-rounded graphic designer with a clean online portfolio.
And below is an example of one of her website designs...
This is an online portfolio by Tanya Merone who is a graphic designer from New York. She specializes in user interface design and development. She uses photoshop, dreamweaver, flash coding sites with XHTML, CSS, and some Javascript as well.
This artist has examples on her online portfolio of websites using grids and some websites that are more open and free. She also has print design, logo design, and illustrative designs as well. Tanya Merone is a modern well-rounded graphic designer with a clean online portfolio.
And below is an example of one of her website designs...

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